Yesterdays sketches were awesome and everyone found out their valuable thing. It was fun but also hard to try to make clear what other participants have tried to represent in their pictures while having art museum. It was beneficial to spot the best things out of the other people (and own) sketches with the heat →
Tuesday was my favorite day so far in design sprint! There was problems of getting started on Monday, but work we did on Monday kicked us to sketch and mix the ideas. Some of the participants felt that there is some conflicts between our goal and point in the map we picked to be solved. →
We were quite pumped up on Monday morning to start our discovery journey for the design sprint. On Monday morning it felt that week will be long time to push things forward. Facilitator had provided all the needed stuff like markers, whiteboards and post-its in the room. My part as a product manager was to →
Lately, I (we) have focused more and more on underlying customer challenges and needs because of great book ”Inspired by Marty Cagan”. Book focuses how excellent product organizations are doing their stuff on a daily basis. We also started our reference customer program to gain better insights about their underlying problems. As a part of →